

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Month of Metroid

Month of Metroid
Written by Tsukasi

When I woke up this morning, I turned to my Wii and saw the blue LED in it's distinctive glow. Half asleep I sat watching in awe, thinking what update has Nintendo dropped on us today?

Shortly after turning on my Wii, I checked my messages. One from Nintendo said a new Metroid "Preview" was made available to download in the Wii Shop Channel. Here I entered upon the grand scheme that was laid out before us. The main update in the Wii Shop Channel was labelled "Month of Metroid." Intruiged I read the short article. It revealed that Metroid for the NES would be made available on August 13th for 500 points, and a week later Super Metroid from the SNES would debut on August 20th for 800 points. Then it told me to download a new channel from the Wii Ware, and I did.

Behold the Metroid Channel in all its glory! One trailer comprised of cinematics and intense battle scenes. My hype for Metroid Prime 3 started to rise. The next video showcased Samus battling the infamous Space Pirates ontop of a bridge, in the familiar setting we saw at E3 a year ago.

Two other videos were there, but are unavailable until August 13th.
The Metroid Channel takes up 70 blocks and does not acually store trailers onto your console. You do connect to the internet and stream them through your console. Unfortunately for those of you living elsewere in the world, this update is only available in Canada and the United States.
Here is a video provided to those living outside of North America.

Expect a full Metroid Prime 3 review once I get my grubby hands on it August 27th and once I've had a nice playthrough of the game.

Stay tuned and enjoy!

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