

Monday, September 24, 2007

Wii Amigo incoming

Wii Amigo incoming
Monday September 24, 01:58 PM

Samba de Amigo is definitely on its way to Wii – that’s according to Nintendo’s official mouthpiece, Nintendo Power too. This is awesome news, people!

You won’t want to look at another rhythm-action game once you’ve played this brilliant piece of software. As a quick summary for those of you not in the know, Samba de Amigo basically involves players shaking a pair of maraca controllers in time to a selection of OTT tunes while a grinning monkey and a procession of other bizarre carnival animals get their funk on. Timing and maraca positioning are crucial and this used to be handled by matching on-screen prompts and holding the maracas as required - high up, low down, to the side etc. That gameplay mechanic looks likely to be used again here – and it really wasn’t broke so no need to fix it – however the Wii Remote and Nunchuk will now stand in for the Maracas.

We’re not yet sure whether that means there’ll be some kind of shaker-style atachment to snap onto your Wii accessories – after all playing with real maracas was half the fun. We’re also not sure about the Remote/Nunchuk interface either, since one needs to be plugged into the other and the original game often required the maracas to be held apart at arms length.

But better any kind of Samba de Amigo than none at all, we reckon, and this one promises to feature many of the songs that made the original such a blast. Gearbox (Brothers in Arms) are handling the development, apparently, which bodes rather well. It’s due out at some unspecified time next year, so much more soon.

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